

Discover the Science behind COLOR Philosophy

Ever feel a certain way, but have no clue as to why? This could have a whole lot to do with the colors around you or on your body -your attire. Have you ever noticed that wearing certain colors inspire your mood in some way? For instance, if you wore a bright and beautiful shade of yellow it more than like would lift your mood and might even make you cheery. It might be kinda hard (in general) for you to feel melancholy while adorned in such a high vibratory color. Now wearing black, on the other hand, might inspire you to feel removed from an environment and protected in a sense. You might even wear black if you wear feeling melancholy, as to conceal your emotions.

Colors mean everything and this is why PRASM‘s focus is color based! We are not simply interested in trying to set trends and styles, but we have a love for using our products to change lives and lift spirits! Why not make getting dressed everyday even more meaningful?!

The best thing about the PRASM belt and sock collection is that those color frequencies work in the same way as with anything else, but the difference is that you don’t have to spend much time deciding how you can use color to your advantage. No! You just simply throw on whatever color-style belt or socks move you for the day and you allow those color energies to get you going!

Open yourself up to color energies and become aware of that which you are attracting to yourself. Don’t underestimate the power of color!

Discover the Science behind COLOR Philosophy

Ever feel a certain way, but have no clue as to why? This could have a whole lot to do with the colors around you or on your body -your attire. Have you ever noticed that wearing certain colors inspire your mood in some way? For instance, if you wore a bright and beautiful shade of yellow it more than like would lift your mood and might even make you cheery. It might be kinda hard (in general) for you to feel melancholy while adorned in such a high vibratory color. Now wearing black, on the other hand, might inspire you to feel removed from an environment and protected in a sense. You might even wear black if you wear feeling melancholy, as to conceal your emotions.

Colors mean everything and this is why PRASM‘s focus is color based! We are not simply interested in trying to set trends and styles, but we have a love for using our products to change lives and lift spirits! Why not make getting dressed everyday even more meaningful?!

The best thing about the PRASM belt and sock collection is that those color frequencies work in the same way as with anything else, but the difference is that you don’t have to spend much time deciding how you can use color to your advantage. No! You just simply throw on whatever color-style belt or socks move you for the day and you allow those color energies to get you going!

Open yourself up to color energies and become aware of that which you are attracting to yourself. Don’t underestimate the power of color!


Red - For Courage.

Need to get your passion up for an event, a person, a project… wear red. Red promotes courage, passion, strength, power, determination, recognition, respect, physical energy and more. And it doesn’t matter how much of a color you’re rocking … it can be just an accent of red and it’ll still serve the same purpose.


Orange - For Energy & Intellect.

Orange is the color of endurance, vitality and joy. It has an invigorating effect on the senses, helping to stimulate mental activity and creativity. It physically puts you in action mode, but emotionally it softens us (in a healthy way) and inspires passion in all that we do. Orange is friendly and welcoming!


Yellow - For Joy, Happiness & Fun.

Yellow is the color of personal power, joy and cheerfulness. It projects an energy that says, “I CAN and I WILL.” When you feel bogged down, depressed or indecisive about something wear yellow for inspiration. This color helps you take a conscious step forward to assert yourself and live authentically.


Purple - For Power, Luxury, & Ambition.

Wear purple to open you up to feel and think deeply on significant matters. Purple is the color of leadership, wear it when you want to feel in control and confident that you can get things done with ease. Purple is the color of wisdom. Wear it when you want to ensure good direction in your life.


Blue - For Peace & Tranquility.

Blue is a calm and soothing color. Wear blue to assist you in calming your inner turmoil or anxiety. Blue is the color of verbal communication. Rock it to give you the confidence to say what you need to say without any fear or reservations. Blue gives us the ability to move fluidly throughout our day.


Green - For Freshness.

Green is the color of peace and universal love. Wear this color when you want to feel in tune with the world around you and when you need to be filled with an abundance of love for all. Green is also the color of transformation. When you’re looking to make a drastic change in your life, let this color work its magic.


Khaki - For Order & Protection.

Khaki conveys warmth, peace and a sense of organization. Strength and organization come from the military’s association of this color, which also means that this is a color of seriousness, order, responsibility and moderation. One of the best features is its ability to blend well with many skin tones.


Light Brown - For Earth & Nature.

Bring in some earthy vibes to create a sense of stability in your atmosphere. Light brown is a color of friendliness and approachability. It tells the brain that honest, sincere, and genuine vibes abound. This shade of brown also brings to mind an energy of sophistication, as it is not overstated.


Dark Brown - For Stability.

Dark Brown gives us reliability, security and a healthy dependency on self and the material world around us. It effortlessly gives off those vibes of deep comfort, relaxation and safety. When you think of dark brown, think that feeling of being able to “take a load off” and “let your hair down.”


Black - For Strength & Authority.

Black portrays power and elegance. It brings in prestigious, bold, dramatic and powerful vibes that often times make people think twice about approaching us in a thoughtless manner. Be bold and confident and make a powerful statement with black.


Gray - For Control & Dignity.

Gray is a color for balance and self-control, peace and quiet. It is a timeless color for any season, era or personal mood. This is said to be a color of maturity, security and dependability (probably due to its association with the gray hair of the wise and elderly).


White - For Coolness & Relaxation.

White is a color of success, truth, new beginnings and purity. One feels a deep sense of clean and fresh, from the inside out, when the energy of white is tapped. It gives the notion that you are in the presence of purity, newness and something good.

Stand out and express your personal style with quality materials made from 100% Egyptian Cotton

“Great quality canvass belt with great color options! Arrived very quickly and as described. I’m a very petite female, so I worried it would be too long but it worked. I’d recommend and would buy again.”


The wristband works perfectly with my Fitbit. Way better than the crappy wrist band they send you with the Fitbit. It’s comfortable and because I ordered purple and not black its easy to find in my drawer too.”


“Prasm Socks are like walking on clouds.”


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